#netflix movies christmas
saantanoel · 2 years
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asshatproductions · 7 months
It’s almost time for my favorite time of year…
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niku30 · 2 years
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How can you NOT love this Scrooge when he looks like this?
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madebypointlesswords · 7 months
since it's holiday season, I have a film I think everyone, and I mean absolutely everyone needs to watch
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I'm dead serious.
Watch it. Now.
It's hilarious, it's heartwarming and the most comforting and sweet film I've ever seen.
Basically, it's a brilliant take on the origin story of Santa Claus and how writing letters is totes important and we should all write letters and do kind things for one another.
As Klaus said: "One true, selfless act always sparks another."
I watch this film every holiday season with my family and I cannot get tired of it. Every time it brings me to tears. Happy comfort tears, of course.
It's on Netflix. Do yourself a favour, please.
Watch this adorable silly film
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litanumb · 7 months
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After Jesper, it's Alva's turn :)
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xiaolanhua · 2 years
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Mean Girls (2004) / Falling for Christmas (2022)
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imaplatypus-art · 6 months
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It's Christmas! Time for my yearly Klaus artwork!
Alva to match the last 2 years of artworks ❤️📚🍎
It's early to be planning but next year I won't do a pop style art, I swear XD I have something else in mind 👀
My patreons saw this before you! You can see my art before everyone and more perks by signing up here: https://www.patreon.com/imaplatypusarts
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stevenrogered · 2 years
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Roald Dahl's Matilda the Musical (2022) | dir. Matthew Warchus 
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annaleigh · 2 years
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the gang’s all here!!
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lokiprincess · 2 years
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12 Days of Christmas Gifs - Day 8
“A true selfless act always sparks another.”
Klaus (2019)
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iconsrequestsworld · 7 months
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like or reblog if you save. ♡
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saantanoel · 2 years
Filme: Uma quedinha de Natal - Falling for Christmas
Imagine a cena: uma herdeira milionária sai na semana do natal para esquiar com seu namorado fútil e materialista, até que por puro destino - ou não - após o pedido de casamento bizarro em cima de uma montanha de gelo, a mocinha cai e é encontrada por um loiro bonitão, dono de uma pousada fofa da região. É claro que esse clichê natalino tinha que conter um drama para fazer a união acontecer, a perda de memória, claro. 
E funcionou, porque de um jeito bastante divertido, a ruiva milionária encontra-se sozinha, sem saber a quem recorrer e, sem seus funcionários, sendo obrigada a desempenhar as árduas missões do dia a dia, como arrumar a própria cama, cozinhar seu café da manhã e ocupar sua mente com tarefas em geral. E não faz nada disso com nojo ou desprezo, ela sabe que pode tirar dessa tentativa lembranças, memórias que, aos poucos, despertam na Sarah - teste de nome -, seu lado mais humano e adormecido da correria do dia a dia. 
O filme retrata a história com a leveza que filmes natalinos costumam narrar, com muitas luzes, árvores e decorações lindas, situações engraçadas e bobinhas, e o amor, que com certeza não poderia deixar de ter um cupido, ou melhor, cupida fofíssima. Além de gostoso, o filme combina com tardes solitárias e definitivamente, é ideal para quem assim como a personagem, deseja relembrar de sentimentos que se perdem por aí. 
A magia do natal em ‘Uma quedinha de natal’ (2022) alegra e dá esperança para aqueles que haviam perdido, retrata a ressignificação da família e a importância da felicidade. 
Santa Noel
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sung-jinwoo · 2 years
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“What happened to him after that, how, why, I can't even begin to comprehend. I stopped trying to make sense of it a long time ago. But I do know: once, every year, I get to see my friend.” — KLAUS (2019)
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ibenology · 7 months
lokius Klaus AU where Loki is sent down to a freezing norwegian town on earth by Odin to learn to be humble and while trying to get back he meets toy-maker Mobius and together they learn about love and family
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dragonomatopoeia · 6 months
Air's Bizarre Christmas Rom-Com Reclist
I am a fan of Romance Media, but even more importantly, a fan of mediocre art. As such, I have watched a lot of christmas romcoms. I have in fact watched Too Many christmas romcoms. While freelancing between jobs, I would put them on in the background as mindless noise to keep me company while writing copy.
This means that I am uniquely positioned to create a rec list of christmas rom-coms that meet a very specific set of criteria:
Is the movie interesting enough to make me actually Watch it instead of half-listening to it in the background?
Are elements of the plot bizarre enough to make me yell "WHAT" at the screen?
Would I rewatch the movie in the company of friends?
Any movie that fulfills all three of these criteria is eligible to join those privileged few, the elite ranks of My Christmas Rom-Com Rec List
A Chance for Christmas (2021)
Synopsis: "Influencer Christina Chance gets the opportunity of a lifetime: a lucrative sponsorship from the brand of her dreams. However, she soon discovers she's stuck in a time warp where the same Christmas Eve repeats itself over and over again." Commentary: This is a Tubi original, and it lives up to all the mess that status bestows. That established, my favorite parts of this movie are that the main character and love interest have the same kind of obsessive, perfection-driven marketing brain poison that lead them to try to min-max a time loop and learn zero lessons for the vast majority of the movie. There's a kind of frenetic, self-absorbed energy to each of the characters that's fascinating to watch. At one point the main character attacks a man dressed like Santa in an act of misdirected rage, and the love interest holds her concerned family back while yelling "SHE NEEDS THIS LET HER GO SHE NEEDS THIS". Also, the kids are actual characters with inner lives instead of props! There are structural issues with the movie, and in my perfect world, the protagonist would quit her influencer job, but overall, I enjoyed it.
A Christmas Movie Christmas (2019)
Synopsis: "A Christmas movie fanatic and her cynical sister wake up to find they are now the stars of a Christmas movie." Commentary: I have a soft place in my heart for scripts written by actors who have been trapped in this Christmas purgatory for years. There's a certain sensitivity to The Way Words Work that is nonexistent in most of these films. Especially since this industry relies on Never Retaking Any Line Read Ever because these movies are basically made on an assembly line. That is to say, this movie is a love letter and a list of grievances wrapped together in a metatextual bow. All of its jabs at the genre feel like they come from a place of familiarity rather than scorn, and the actors are obviously having fun. Line deliveries and elements of blocking feel like they have actual character work put into them, and one of the love interests feels like a Christmas Homunculi with no understanding that a world other than snowglobes and sugar cookies exists. But on purpose this time! If he encountered a turtle flipped on its back, he'd start feeding it christmas cookies, and the movie is Very Aware of This. It's fun.
Baby It's Cold Inside (2021)
Synopsis: "When a travel agent up for a promotion is directed to forget her tropical vacation and instead visit the world-famous Ice Hotel, she discovers that her sacrifices are more than compensated." Commentary: I'll be honest. This one is mostly here because the editing choices made me feel like I was losing my mind. I ended up dragging my roommate down to the living room at multiple points so that they could witness the same thing I was seeing. The jarring cuts, dropped story beats, and lines that lead nowhere make for an unforgettable viewing experience... except for the part where I have forgotten literally every other element of the movie. Except for the inexplicably evil love rival who becomes niceys at the end. I like her. Girlboss. This isn't even the only Hallmark movie that was set at and filmed at Hôtel de Glace in 2021. Truly the most Hallmark movie on this list.
Christmas Perfection (2018)
Synopsis: "Darcy's been striving for the perfect Christmas since childhood; thanks to a magical figurine her dream finally comes true." Commentary: I have already written up my thoughts on Christmas Perfection in EXTENSIVE detail here. Needless to say, I watch it every year. What a fascinating text. What an odd timeloop. It should have been gay.
Snowmance (2017)
Synopsis: "Each year Sarah builds her "Snow Beau" snowman with her best friend Nick. After another breakup, she begins to wonder if she'll ever find her own true love. A little Christmas magic brings her Snow Beau to life." Commentary: I cannot believe the snowman actually came to life. The snowman came to life and he's not even the primary love interest. Nick sucks in a normal possessive childhood friend love interest way, fuck Nick, everyone hates Nick, sure, but THE SNOWMAN CAME TO LIFE? THE SNOWMAN CAME TO LIFE AND HE TRIES TO SELL THE PROTAGONIST'S HOUSE!!!!! SHE LIVES THERE!!!!! This movie made me scream out loud multiple times. It is not good. Please watch it.
Timeless Love (2019)
Synopsis: "Megan wakes up from a coma in a hospital. The husband and 2 kids she just dreamed about aren't real. At her first job interview, she meets Thomas from her dream - or was it a vision years into the future?" Commentary: Listen to me. Listen. The establishing scenes of this movie are played completely straight. For the first chunk of the movie, it feels like this is going to be a dramatic, serious movie in a way that Hallmark Christmas Romcoms fundamentally are not, which makes it EVEN WEIRDER when it suddenly pivots into your classic nonsense. It entrances me. Who let this happen? Why is the medical professional who is assigned to help Megan with the trauma of losing her coma-construct family and recover from being in a literal coma cartoonishly evil? Why was the information Megan obtained from the coma dream accurate to real life? Why is she suddenly okay with losing her coma children as soon as she found the real-world version of her coma-husband? What a fascinating text. I have no clue what to do with it. But maybe you do. I'm folding it into your hands. Whatever happens next is your decision
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litanumb · 7 months
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We're in December so let's start Klaus fanarts with Jesper!
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